Class of 2028 Spring Book List

Spring 2025 – Class of 2028

Note: As of 2024, VetText will no longer be selling textbooks directly. The booklist below will be updated with new links for textbooks by mid-July. We apologize for any inconvenience. 


VM 611 - Foundations of Veterinary Medicine II

  • See Required Equipment/Supplies List below

VM 619 - Veterinary Neurobiology

C.E. Thomson, C. Hahn: Veterinary Neuroanatomy: A Clinical Approach, 1st Edition. Elsevier Saunders, 2012
ISBN: 9780702034824

de Lahunta’s Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology, 5th Ed.
IBSN: 9780323696111

    VM 623 – Veterinary Nutrition


    VM637 - Veterinary Bacteriology & Mycology


    McVey: Veterinary Microbiology, 3rd or 4th edition, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, 2023
    IBSN: 9781119650751
        Can be assessed via CSU Library 

    VM638 - Veterinary Parasitology  


    Veterinary Parasitology, 4th ed., by Taylor, Coop & Wall (Wiley/Blackwell)
    IBSN: 9780470671627

    VM639 - Veterinary Virology


    VM640 - Biology of Disease I


    Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease. Zachary, 7th Ed., 2022
                 IBSN 9780323713146
                              Can be accessed via CSU Library

    Pathology of Domestic Animals. Maxie et al 6th Ed., 2016

                 Volume 1: Introduction, Musculoskeletal, Nervous, Special Senses & Integument
                 IBSN 9780702053177

                 Volume 2: Alimentary, Liver, Pancreas, Urinary, Respiratory
                 IBSN 9780702053184

                 Volume 3: Cardiovascular, Hematopoietic, Endocrine, Genital
                 IBSN 9780702053191
                              Links to chapter are provided on the syllabus

    VM648 - Food Animal Production & Food Safety


    Jeff Benedict: Poisoned – The True Story of the Deadly E. Coli Outbreak that Changed the Way Americans Eat, February Books, 2011.


      Field and Taylor, Scientific Farm Animal Production, 12th ed. Pearson, 2019.
      ISBN: 9780135187258


      VM621 - Exotic Animal Anatomy & Husbandry


      VM612 - Healer's Art 

        •  GOOD RESOURCES:
          • Rachel Naomi Remen: Kitchen Table Wisdom 
          • Rachel Naomi Remen: My Grandfather's Blessings 



      • Blue Clinic Smock 
      • Stethoscope 
      • Scrubs (top and pants) 
      • Name badge 
      • # 3 short scalpel handle- preferably with a cm scale on one side. 
      • Curved Metzenbaum scissors- plain, no carbide edge approx 18 cm long 
      • Brown-Adson thumb forceps 
      • Two curved mosquito hemostats 
      • Scissors for cutting suture- these can be just regular straight Mayo scissors 6.75 inches 
      • Mayo Hegar needle holders – about 16 cm- plain, no carbide needed 
      • Coveralls and Boots (see description below) 

      Required clothing for DVM clinical instruction in the Livestock Section (food animal section) of the VTH:
      The following clothing requirements are intended to limit the potential for spread of infectious agents among large animal patients in the VTH. These requirements are also intended to protect the veterinary student from contaminating his or her clothing with infectious agents. These requirements are identical to those required for clinical rotations in the third and fourth years of the DVM curriculum.

      Sleeved coveralls 
      Sleeved coveralls limit contact of potentially infectious biologic material with underlying street clothes. Coveralls with torn sleeves or holes will not be considered of acceptable professional appearance. A source for durable coveralls is Pella Veterinary Apparel. A suggested style is the Short-Sleeve Coveralls available at VetText. Other, similar brands and styles are acceptable; consider VetText one potential source. Coveralls are typically ordered according to chest size and come in short, regular, and tall leg lengths. It is recommended that you order a chest size that allows you to wear warm clothing underneath; the use of men’s sizing is recommended for this purpose as well. Bib coveralls (with suspender straps) are not allowed for student use in the Livestock Section of the VTH as these enable contamination of underlying clothing.

      Rubber overboots
      The overboots accepted for wear in the Livestock Section of the VTH are those that can be pulled on and off over street shoes or boots. Examples include Tingley’s boots or PVC Overboots. Both of these should be the 10”-12” height and have one or two snaps or buttons as fasteners. The low-profile tread on these overboots results in less tracking of manure and therefore reduces the risk of transfer of infectious agents among patients in the clinic. These overboots can be purchased at ordered online at VetText and are also available for purchase at other local farm and ranch supply stores. You may wish to purchase a size of overboot that allows you to wear warm footwear underneath during the winter months. “Wellington”-type over-the-calf boots are not allowed in the Livestock Section of the VTH because their deep tread facilitates tracking of manure and because shoes cannot be worn underneath these types of boots. Boots with buckles are not allowed, as these tend to trap manure and are far more difficult to thoroughly disinfect than the recommended 1- or 2- button or snap design.