VetText is proud to support the CSU veterinary students through an annual scholarship. Students from each class as well as the members of the university community are given the opportunity to nominate a veterinary student that they feel exhibits one or more commendable qualities. Nominations are confidential and only read by members of VetText Board. One nominee from each class is chosen based on the quality, rather than the quantity, of nominations.
2023 Winners
Class of 2023 – Amanda Vegter
I chose this field because I have always felt an immense bond to animals and a desire to devote my life to helping them in whatever way possible. I truly believe that animals of all types are an essential part of a healthy, happy life (in many different ways), and I am incredibly lucky and honored to be able to spend my career improving their health and quality of life.
Class of 2024 – Amelia Dolgin
I am pursuing veterinary medicine because I have a deep passion for animals and a desire to improve their health and wellbeing. I believe that animals, both domestic and wild, deserve the best possible care and that I am gathering the skills and knowledge to provide it. I am drawn to this field because it allows me to combine my love of animals with my interest in medicine and science, and I am excited by the prospect of working with a variety of animals in different settings, from companion animals to zoo animals and wildlife. I recognize the importance of the human-animal bond and the role that animals play in our lives, and I am committed to using these skills to promote the health and happiness of both animals and their human caregivers.
Class of 2025- Mandy McCormick

Class of 2026 – Kylie Yancey